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【世界著名交响乐团】(六)伦敦交响乐团(London Symphony Orchestra)发布日期:2025-03-07 15:36 点击次数:174
(Simon Rattle),时长10:31
乐团除了演奏了世界级的交响乐和协奏曲外,还在电影配乐、广告音乐和现场直播中展示出了他们多元、卓越的音乐表现力,实际上伦敦交响乐团也是录制电影音乐的顶尖乐团。电影配乐大师约翰·威廉斯经常与乐团合作。《星球大战》、《哈利波特》、《夺宝奇兵》、《泰坦尼克》、《超人》、《ET外星人》这些赫赫有名的电影,它们的配乐均由伦敦交响乐团来演奏完成,有了配乐的加持那些震撼的画面更加地气势磅礴。伦敦交响乐团现任首席指挥是Simon Rattle。安东尼奥·帕帕诺(Antonio Pappano)爵士被任命为伦敦交响乐团的下一任首席指挥,于2023年9月成为候任首席指挥,并从2024年起担任首席指挥。久石让&伦敦交响乐团
Performing On Stage: Music That InspiresThe London Symphony Orchestra was established in 1904 as one of the first orchestras shaped by its musicians. Since then, generations of remarkable talents have built the LSO’s reputation for uncompromising quality and inspirational repertoires.Today we’re ranked among the world’s top orchestras. As Resident Orchestra at the Barbican since the Centre opened in 1982, we perform some 70 concerts there every year. Our family of artists includes Chief Conductor Designate Sir Antonio Pappano, Conductor Emeritus Sir Simon Rattle, Principal Guest Conductors Gianandrea Noseda and François-Xavier Roth, Conductor Laureate Michael Tilson Thomas, and Associate Artists Barbara Hannigan and André J Thomas.We also perform over 50 concerts a year to audiences throughout the UK and worldwide, and deliver a far-reaching programme of recordings, live streams and on-demand broadcasts, reaching millions every year. We have major artistic residencies in Paris, Dortmund, Tokyo and Aix-en-Provence, a growing presence across Australasia and Latin America, and a transatlantic partnership with the Music Academy in Santa Barbara.Recordings and Film: Music That InnovatesIn 1999, we formed our own recording label, LSO Live, and revolutionised how live orchestral music is recorded. We’ve released over 150 recordings so far – and overall we have made more recordings than any other orchestra.As a leading orchestra for film, we’ve entertained millions with classic scores for Star Wars, Indiana Jones, The Shape of Water and many more. We also reach a worldwide audience through streaming, with millions of music-lovers listening online every month, and viewers around the world tuning into full orchestral concerts streamed on YouTube and through our broadcast partners.